The abandoned Laurentian military base
The abandoned Laurentian military base

The abandoned Laurentian military base

The abandoned Laurentian military base

Ruins of the Cold War

Saint-Adolphe d'Howard (Quebec), Canada

Closed in 1987, the former Canadian military base located in St-Adolphe-d'Howard began its operations in 1950. Its mission: monitor the airspace in southwestern Quebec and northeastern Ontario. True vestige of the Cold War between the Western bloc and the Eastern bloc, the military base was operated by Canada as part of the NORAD organization (namely North American Aerospace Defense Command, or NORAD.

Created in 1957 and named « North American Air Defense Command », it will be renamed NORAD in March 1981. It is an US-Canadian organization whose mission is to monitor the North American airspace.

This military base located in Saint-Adolphe was part of the Pinetree Line which consisted of a network of 33 radar stations under Canada-US jurisdiction ranging along the 49th parallel to protect North America from possible air attacks from the USSR.

While new technologies made these facilities obsolete, these military bases were successively replaced by the Mid-Canada Line and DEW Line, each further north.

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