The Abandoned Aerodrome
The Abandoned Aerodrome

The Abandoned Aerodrome

The Abandoned Aerodrome

Vestige of the Civil War of Spain

Calzadilla de los Barros, Spain

Located a few kilometers from the municipality of Calzadilla de los Barros and its 850 inhabitants, the abandoned aerodrome dates from before the Spanish Civil War which took place from 1936 to 1939 with the victory of General Franco.

It was also bombed on 5 August 1936 by the national army of Franco, about three weeks after the beginning of hostilities.

After the war, the place was occupied by farmers until the end of the 1960s. Only the buildings remained intact, the rest having given way to vines.

Few information is available on the Internet about this place frozen in time, except that narratives of the elders separated by the war who remember these planes taking off from the base to go bombard the city of Merida.

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