The old Teleglobe satellite station
The old Teleglobe satellite station

The old Teleglobe satellite station

The old Teleglobe satellite station

A heap of ruins

Charleston (Nova Scotia), Canada

Built in the woods near the hamlet of Mill Village, the Teleglobe station is no longer the shadow of what it once was. Built in 1964 at a cost of $ 9 million, the vast complex was part of an extensive satellite program for the transmission of telephone and television signals between North America and Europe.

The site was closed in the 1990s. The huge satellite dome was thrown to the ground in order to sell the metal. For many reasons, it took more than a decade to finally destroy and root out from the site.

The other satellite dome is now destroyed, as most buildings. The former covered sidewalk that allows travel between the main buildings was shaved, leaving only the ground structure that forms a sort of open boardwalk in the middle of the woods.

The rest of the site is covered of graffiti and really don't shows great interest. The majority of buildings are destroyed and the ruins looks like a big dump.

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