The abandoned young delinquents center
The abandoned young delinquents center

The abandoned young delinquents center

The abandoned young delinquents center

Damn vandals who destroy everything

Sherbrooke (Quebec), Canada

Located in Sherbrooke near the 410 Highway, the Relais St-Francois is a former center for young offenders and now abandoned. Completely ransacked, the building doesn't have much interest. Water damages have been made by time, but I must admit that it's nothing when you compare with the vandalism and graffiti done here. This building is today an empty shell devoid of any value.

Abandoned for a decade, the construction of the building dates back to 1971. Huge concrete structure, its appearance is sober and its construction had to be motivated by a tight and little trimmed budget. The result is a large gray and brown square block... Probably the same color of the happiness that had reigned in his walls.

Today threatened by woodpeckers demolition, the building belongs to Olymbec since 2009. Last may, they announced a residential project of at least 12 million dollars. The 400 000 square feet land would sold to Gestion immobilière Santi, especially active in the Magog area. The project should begin in 2014 provided that the company obtains the zoning change to realize its huge residential project.

Time is running out for the Relais St-François.

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