Closed in 1987, the former Canadian military base located in St-Adolphe-d'Howard began its operations in 1950. Its mission: monitor the airspace in southwestern Quebec and northeastern Ontario. True vestige of the Cold War between the Western...
Once upon a time, a small piece of land bordering Autoroute 15 in Piedmont came to life every summer as a place of amusement. The Cascades d'Eau Piedmont, home of the Laurentian's iconic giant faucet, was Quebec's oldest water park when it ceased operations in 2010, 27 years after its gates opened for the first time.
MSSI, owner of the St-Sauveur water park located across Autoroute 15 from Piedmont, bought the Cascades d'Eau several years prior; after years of fighting with the municipality of Piedmont concerning zoning, MSSI decided to close the park. (They had been requesting a zoning change that would permit them to install amusement park rides for children in the upper part of the park, which had been closed years prior).
Several slides were relocated to St-Sauveur, and MSSI had stated that the water faucet would make the move as well; however, as of January 2013 it was still standing guard over the abandoned park.
Closed in 1987, the former Canadian military base located in St-Adolphe-d'Howard began its operations in 1950. Its mission: monitor the airspace in southwestern Quebec and northeastern Ontario. True vestige of the Cold War between the Western...
It is at Uyuni, a small town of just over 10,000 inhabitants located more than 3,670 meters above sea level that can be found one of the most famous train cemetery. Well, we must also say that the world's largest salty desert is located in Uyuni...
Listed historical monument, the Monkeys castle is a beautiful mansion built in the seventeenth century. Its name comes from the frescoes on the walls that depict monkeys. It is also known as the Madness Castle and the Bettor Castle. Located in a...
Built in 1976, not much remains of this former 148 rooms hotel. In fact, apart from a concrete structure and graffitis, there is only industrial waste. The building has 18 floors and looks like an old white elephant amidst a changing neighborhood...