The abandoned hotel lost in the woods
The abandoned hotel lost in the woods

The abandoned hotel lost in the woods

The abandoned hotel lost in the woods

Ready to collapse

Located in the Northeastern United States, miles away from any village, this old hotel is in poor shape today. But even if a full floor has collapsed, its structure has kept its old world charm. Nevertheless, the slightest gust of wind could be fatal.

The decor is reminiscent of the animated Disney movie, Cars.  Located on a former major road fallen today into oblivion and the shadow of the highway not far from there, the hotel seemed to be part of a holiday complex with a small lake, a bowling alley, a golf course and much more.

We heard that in the eighteenth century, a small tavern had already been built. With the construction of the railroad, the golden age of this little village had begun. In the 1970s, the place was closed and was soon forgotten by tourists who never came back.

Today, the hotel is at the brink, ready to fall into ruins. Chances of being saved are thins and we guess that eventually it will collapse like a house of cards, alone or with a little help...

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