The neurons poet's abandoned plant
The neurons poet's abandoned plant

The neurons poet's abandoned plant

The neurons poet's abandoned plant

In the middle of Pointe-St-Charles

Montréal (Quebec), Canada

The plant itself is definitively not as great at we saw in other places. Located in the heart of Pointe-Saint-Charles neighborhood of Montreal, this two storey building has no longer the cachet of its heyday. While neighboring buildings are gradually revamped to accommodate them new condo owners, nothing seems to have changed over here. Nature has reasserted itself in the courtyard with all these trees, aged of dozen years old.

This factory was creating billboards of any kind (for sale, do not enter, etc). By entering, we find on the floor an old mattress surrounded by waste. As we approach a bit, we discover that beyond the old Doritos and Ruffles bags, there was syringes and condoms. Junkie's shelter  probably.

A junkie poet, I must specify. On the walls, we discover parts of William Blake's poems, an English painter and poet of the nineteenth century. Jim Morrison of the Doors, has also chosen the name of his band by refering to a quotation from Blake's poem "The Marriage of Heaven and Hell": "If the doors of perception were cleansed everything would appear to man as it is, infinite".

On the ground floor, it is rather a verse from a song by Keny Arkana adorning the wall to the right of the entrance: "We want billions who are trying to turn the wheel in the opposite direction. (On est des milliards à vouloir faire tourner la roue dans l'autre sens)"

Also here are some other verses (in french) who can be found on the walls here and there:

  • Ne sais-tu pas que chaque Oiseau fendant les airs
    Est un univers de joie, que ferment tes cinq sens ?
  • Ceux qui répriment le désir le font parce que le leur est si faible qu’ils le peuvent réprimer, et la répression, ou la raison, usurpe sa place et gouverne sans accord.
    - B

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